Known Slate of Nominees


Nominees Endorsed by OSC’s Board of Directors

After an intensive review process, the Board of Directors has carefully chosen three candidates for endorsement in the upcoming election based on their distinct skillsets. These individuals align closely with the current needs of the Board’s skills matrix and contribute significantly to the strategic direction outlined in OSC’s Strategic Plan. The current Board of Directors believe the expertise of these endorsed candidates will greatly enhance the board’s effectiveness in guiding the organization towards its future goals. The three endorsed candidates are as follows (listed alphabetically by last name):
Endorsed Nominees
Shinjini Biswas Sandhu
Dale Hancocks
Marcia Mayhew
The full Known Slate of Nominees for the 3 available spaces on the Board of Directors are as follows (listed in alphabetical order, by last name):
Full Slate of Nominees
Ali Abedinpour
Sudman Ali
Rama Al-Jayyousi
Dwayne Alves
Andres Baez
Shinjini Biswas Sandhu
Elrashid Elfatih Mohamed
Melody Gonsalves
Dale Hancocks
Andrew Ingram
Jackie Iwanski
Sana Javed
Kashaidi Jogi
Shruti Joshi
Alan Kwan
Rogerio Marques
Marcia Mayhew
Sergio Mendoza
Darnel Miller
Rene Mohammed
Amos Ojebiyi
Brandon Pacheco
Jason Ramgoolam
Salam Shamshoon
Lisa Shoemaker
Rima Shouli
Sandra Starr
Sana Wain
Hemant Yadav
Tom Young
Milan Zelcevic

If you have any questions about the election process, please contact

To view the official Notice of the upcoming Annual General Meeting, please click here

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